We have built a strong and entrepreneurial business model based on the lasting appeal of prepaid products and services for cellphone users across all LSMs in South Africa, and are expanding into the rest of Africa and other global spaces. Our strength lies in our ever-growing global footprint of touchpoints in our virtual and physical distribution channels in these markets.
Blue Label's strategy to create and preserve value for all its stakeholders over the short, medium or long term is based on four key pillars (Reach, Innovation, Trust and Efficiency), all of which are deeply embedded in our operations and corporate culture.
Expand our distribution channels and networks in banking, retail, independent and informal markets, while exploring new, primarily digital channels.
Add innovative products and services to our portfolio to increase volumes and margins in existing embedded channels.
Deliver world-class customer-centric solutions across our businesses through platform renewal, improvement, innovation and transformation.
Build and improve the competence of our offerings through digitisation and technological innovation.
Maintain agile systems to support our entrepreneurial culture and flexibility that increases our speed to market.
Capitalise on economies of scale with proven technology for accessible, always-on and trusted platforms.
Maintain a customer-centric approach.
Provide exceptional service that is intelligently tailored to the needs of and builds trust with merchants, customers and consumers.
Ensure that execution becomes our top priority.
Build on the digitisation of our business processes.
Continuously reduce the cost of doing business for us, our customers, merchants and consumers.
Developed in 2018, this strategy is still the key driver of growth, innovation and optimisation that in turn drives our sustainable value creation model through an often uncertain and volatile operating environment.
Expanding our reach, promoting innovation, building trust and efficient business processes are not only noble ideals, but also the foundation on which our growth and success are built.
Blue Label continues to live up to its purpose of enabling the fulfilment and upliftment of people in South Africa by providing them with a wide range of diverse, value-adding products, services and solutions.
Our continued investment in technology, carrier grade platforms and scalable operating structures assist Blue Label in expanding our reach, improving service delivery and speed to market. We accelerate innovation, go-to-market strategies and digital enablement.
Our relationships are vital. We develop deep and mutually beneficial long-term partnerships with the mobile network operators, retailers, banks, and independent outlets.
We also continue to expand our digital solution footprint with active points of presence (POPs) in the main market, retail and petroleum channels, and our ability to extend the reach of electricity sales and revenue assurance for municipalities further entrenches our relationships and provides exclusivity for other Blue Label products and services.
Our ultimate goal is to drive the financial inclusion of previously underserved markets.
Key achievements and highlights:
The success of our reach initiatives enables us to grow the number of direct and indirect merchants thus creating more entrepreneurial opportunities while extending our distribution channels. At the same time our extended reach provides previously underserved communities with increased digital e-commerce access to products and services.
In a challenging economic and competitive environment, innovation sustains our growth.
Our deep understanding of customer needs and wants informs both our platform functionality and our product and service offerings. We seek out strategic partnerships or acquisitions for new product or platform capability and invest in technology that enables us to be ahead of the game.
We are constantly exploring new ways to improve and learn, and we enhance our proprietary platforms by continually refining our processes, software and hardware, while at the same time investing in the required skills and expertise. Targeted analytical processes, machine learning and artificial intelligence can assist Blue Label to use the data we receive to design better products and services and enable us to know our customers and their diverse needs better. This allows us to craft the best product or solution for a particular customer, based on refined algorithms.
As a result, Blue Label can now also white label its core technology offerings and deploy consumer applications to specific communities with content and bespoke service requirements.
Key achievements and highlights:
Through innovation we create a much more efficient operating environment for our customers, merchants and consumers where we are saving people's time, cost and are significantly reducing the carbon footprint of traditional distribution channels.
The Blue Label ecosystem relies on suppliers, technology, devices, merchants and customers working together for mutual benefit. The Blu Approved brand embodies trust and reliability. We deliver enormous volumes of mission critical transactions to massive audiences and customer bases on a real-time basis.
We invest in significant additional measures to avoid redundancy for improved stability and business continuity. We have virtually no downtime, and our platform, systems and devices work efficiently.
Across all our stakeholder groups, we have vigilant and accessible processes in place to engage and service all interest groups and customers. The quality of our technology, in conjunction with ongoing innovation, allows our entire ecosystem to evolve alongside us.
Key achievements and highlights:
Building our brand loyalty is underpinned by trust in our products and services including treating our customers, merchants and consumers fairly through upholding the highest ethical values and service levels.
We strive to maximise all of our assets to become the lowest-cost producer or distributor of transactions, messages and digital products, especially through scalability and platform refactoring. Our investment in infrastructure and software improves stability and ensures future capacity.
An efficient treasury function is essential to the success and profitability of our business. This function enables the acquisition and wholesaling of all products and supports Blue Label's funding of electricity projects and increases the funding of third-party hardware sales.
With great care for our environment and the society within which we operate, we understand the importance of sustainability and the importance of operational efficiency therein.
Key achievements and highlights:
As we continue to drive efficiency initiatives, we seek to maximise the efficiency of resources that we use to provide our services primarily in the form of electricity and fuel in our supply chain.