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1.1 Segmental summary

The Group's segment reporting follows the organisational structure as reflected in its internal management reporting systems, which are the basis for assessing the financial performance of the business segments and for allocating resources to these segments. Management's assessment of the Group's organisational structure takes the geographical location of the segments into account.

Operating segments are reported internally to the Chief Operating Decision‑maker in a manner consistent with the financial statements. In addition, the Chief Operating Decision‑maker uses core headline earnings as a non-IFRS measure in evaluating the Group's performance on a segmental level. The chief operating decision-maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segments, has been identified as the Executive Directors, who are responsible for making strategic decisions on behalf of the Group.

Transactions between reportable segments are conducted on similar terms as other transactions of a similar nature.

The segment results for the year ended 31 May 2024 are as follows:

  Total    Africa Distribution  International  Solutions    Corporate 
Total segment revenue  20 480 909  24 958 278  19 626 058  24 470 272    —  —  268 474  283 366  586 377  204 640 
Internal revenue  (5 882 465) (6 040 015) (5 282 105) (5 826 462)   —  —  (13 983) (8 913) (586 377) (204 640)
Revenue  14 598 444  18 918 263  14 343 953  18 643 810    —  —  254 491  274 453  —  — 
Segment result 
Operating profit/(loss) before depreciation, amortisation and the additional items listed below  1 758 620  2 042 028  1 889 223  2 143 415    (1 564) (650) 28 918  40 608  (157 957) (141 345)
Fair value gain on surety receivable  2 555  32 743  —  —    2 555  32 743  —  —  —  — 
Fair value gain on put option  —  22 000  —  —    —  —  —  —  —  22 000 
Fair value gain on other financial instruments  4 658  14 533  4 658  14 533    —  —  —  —  —  — 
Expected credit loss on loans  (124 227) (69 571) (123 102) (69 028)   (1 381) (98) 256  (445) —  — 
Bad debts and expected credit losses on trade receivables, other receivables and advances to customers  (383 555) (667 354) (383 574) (667 551)   —  —  19  196  — 
Loss on modification/derecognition of financial instruments  (32 576) (57 453) (32 576) (57 453)   —  —  —  —  —  — 
Depreciation and amortisation  (163 879) (190 440) (157 504) (168 976)   —  —  (672) (655) (5 703) (20 809)
Operating profit/(loss) 1 061 596  1 126 486  1 197 125  1 194 940    (390) 31 995  28 521  39 704  (163 660) (140 153)
Finance costs  (1 121 356) (682 599) (1 120 225) (681 193)   —  —  (39) (79) (1 092) (1 327)
Finance income  901 884  411 540  896 028  407 731    28  3 901  3 317  1 927  491 
Reversal of impairment of investment in associate  —  962 531  —  962 531    —  —  —  —  —  — 
Share of profits/(losses) from associates and joint ventures  15 416  (1 329 747) (2 489) (1 320 348)   —  —  17 905  (9 399) —  — 
Taxation  (197 955) (200 038) (197 927) (187 893)   (1 378) (7 892) 2 699  (4 398) (1 349) 145 
Profit/(loss) for the year  659 585  288 173  772 512  375 768    (1 740) 24 104  52 987  29 145  (164 174) (140 844)
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent  647 386  268 966  769 270  360 771    (1 740) 24 104  44 030  24 935  (164 174) (140 844)
Non-controlling interest  12 199  19 207  3 242  14 997    —  —  8 957  4 210  —  — 
Reconciliation of profit/(loss) for the year to core headline earnings for the year 
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent  647 386  268 966  769 270  360 771    (1 740) 24 104  44 030  24 935  (164 174) (140 844)
Amortisation of intangibles raised through business combinations net of tax and non-controlling interest  21 791  31 605  21 791  31 605    —  —  —  —  —  — 
Headline earnings adjustment  10 311  101 390  10 510  101 026    —  —  (199) 305  —  59 
Core headline earnings for the year  679 488  401 961  801 571  493 402    (1 740) 24 104  43 831  25 240  (164 174) (140 785)

The Company is domiciled in the Republic of South Africa. The revenue earned from external customers in South Africa is R14.6 billion (2023: R18.9 billion), and from external customers from other countries is R3.1 million (2023: R3.1 million).

The Africa Distribution segment includes revenue of R2.5 billion and R1.6 billion from two external customers.

At 31 May 2024, the Group is managed on the basis of four main business segments:

  • Africa Distribution includes the distribution of prepaid airtime, starter packs and electricity of the South African network operators and utility suppliers, the distribution of ticketing and universal vouchers, as well as the distribution and financing of handsets, tablets and other devices within South Africa and certain African countries.
  • International includes the investment in Oxigen Services India.
  • Solutions includes marketing of cellular and financial products and services through outbound telemarketing and other channels, provides inbound customer care and technical support, and markets data and analytics services.
  • Corporate performs the head office administration function.

Core headline earnings

Core headline earnings is a non-IFRS measure used by the Group in evaluating the Group's performance. This supplements the IFRS Accounting Standards measures. Core net profit is calculated by adjusting net profit for the year with the amortisation of intangible assets net of deferred taxation and non-controlling interests that arise as a consequence of the purchase price allocations completed in terms of IFRS 3 – Business Combinations. Core headline earnings is calculated by adjusting core net profit with the headline earnings adjustments required by SAICA circular 1/2023.

Reconciliation of core headline earnings to relevant IFRS measures is presented in note 1.5.